kota stone skirting


Kota stone skirting is used in corner of wall and flooring, moulding of Kota stone skirting is best looking in high polished material.

Product features

  • Kota stone skirting semi-polished
  • size -22″x4″.22″x5″,17″x4″,17’x5″
  • Thickness -15-20mm
SKU: 56689999 Category: Tags: , , ,


Kota stone skirting price in Kota, in architecture, a baseboard (also called skirting board, skirting, mopboard, floor molding, or base molding) is a covering at the lowest part of an interior wall. Its purpose is to cover the joint between the wall surface and the floor.

Kota stone skirting

It covers the uneven edge of flooring next to the wall; protects the wall from kicks, abrasion, and furniture; and can serve as a decorative molding.

A baseboard differs from a wainscot; a wainscot typically covers from the floor to around 1-1.5m high (waist or chest height), whereas a baseboard is typically just up to 0.2m high (ankle height).

kota stone skirting

1 review for kota stone skirting

  1. Tennille Tarmey

    best for flooring corner skirting f kota stone

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