Hamam stone


Traditional houses in Kashmir, made of timber, mud plaster and mud or baked brick, could do without a hamam. But most new houses are made of brick and concrete, a disastrous mismatch with the local weather. In December and January, when temperature dips to several degrees below zero, hamams or central heating become a necessity.

Features of hamam stone 

  • Color- blue
  • Size – 3’x2′
  • Measurement- 6 sq.ft.= 1 pcs.
  • Weight – 185kg/-pcs. (thickness-80mm)
  • Rate – 60/-sq ft
  • Uses – for kashmiri hamam
  • Stone form – limestone
  • Available thickness- -50mm or 100mm
  • Finish type- bothside natural
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Hamam stone – Kota stone 70-80mm thickness size-  3’x2’ can be used for making kashmiri hamam,both side natural as come out from mines,in Kashmir, it means much more. A hamam is a room in which thick, hand-hewn rectangular slabs of limestone are laid over a hollowed-out floor. Columns of brick support the slabs at the joints, which are sealed with cement.

Hamam stone                            

A hamam is a room in which thick, hand-hewn rectangular slabs of limestone are laid over a hollowed-out floor. Columns of brick support the slabs at the joints, which are sealed with cement. Each slab, sculpted from blocks of rock extracted from a quarry on the outskirts of Srinagar, stands on a single pillar of rough-hewn stone.

Haman making of Kota stone in kashmiri 

The inside walls of the hamam are lined with bricks sealed with lime mortar. The floor is strewn with sand, bits of glass and boulders, to absorb and retain heat. Firewood is placed in the hamam through a small iron door. The smoke escapes through a chimney that goes right up to the roof, through all levels of the house.

hamam stone hamam stones

hamam stones

A hamam is a room in which thick, hand-hewn rectangular slabs of limestone are laid over a hollowed-out floor. Columns of brick support

A hamam is a room in which thick, hand-hewn rectangular slabs of limestone are laid over a hollowed-out floor. Columns of brick support

kashmiri hamam

kashmiri hamam

kashmiri hamam

hamam stone

Hamam Stone Price

Hamam Stone Price


Kashmiri Hamam is a room




Additional information

Weight 18 kg
Dimensions 22 × 22 × .75 in


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